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Ok, now it's actually time to deploy. I promise! Now that we have configured our Lambda function, deploying it is as simple as running a single command in your terminal window. Ensure you are in the same directory as the MyFirstLambda.csproj file at this point.


dotnet lambda deploy-function

You'll now be asked to specify any values you didn't configure manually in aws-lambda-tools-defaults.json.

During the deployment wizard you will be asked to select an IAM role. At this stage, I'd suggest creating a new IAM role with a name that reflects the name you chose for the Lambda function itself. If you called your Lambda my-first-lambda then call the role my-first-lambda-role. Give the role AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole permissions and away you go 🚀.


Now that we have a Lambda function running in the cloud we can even invoke it right from our terminal window. Run the below command, substituing in the LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME placeholder with the name chosen in the deploy step.

dotnet lambda invoke-function LAMBDA_FUNCTION_NAME -p hello, world!

The response back from the command will give you something along the lines of

Amazon Lambda Tools for .NET Core applications (5.6.1)
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START RequestId: ea7191e7-b800-48a8-a165-3b6bc0c45533 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: ea7191e7-b800-48a8-a165-3b6bc0c45533
REPORT RequestId: ea7191e7-b800-48a8-a165-3b6bc0c45533 Duration: 173.23 ms Billed Duration: 174 ms Memory Size: 256 MB Max Memory Used: 67 MB


You've just deployed your first Lambda function.